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Design by Dirah .
Helped by Tiqah ,
Wana ,
Qistina ,
Colour codes.
Used by Me
A girl
Hello earthlings :* Hah,I know why you go to this section,did you want to know me ? YES ? Great :).My full name is Ainnur Nadhirah binti Sor. You can call me either Ainnur or Dirah ^^ Both of them is my nickname :) I'm only fourteen. I born on 26 October 2001.Kota Tinggi ,Johore is my hometown,yaww :3
I'm studying in SMK Tun Habab.Where is it ? Arrggh,it's in Kota Tinggi,Johore.I've be a prefect victim but I lovveee to be a prefect ^^ I really hope that I'll be a friendly and kind prefect :b Lol.
I start blogging since December 2012.Seriously,my blog on 2012 is really hideous.On 2012,I don't know how to use code,how to change the code,how to upload photos and others.But I work hard and puppp,I can change the code,use the code,make blog look nice,tidy.On 2012,I always took tutorials on others blog because I don't know how to make own code.But now,I can make by my on self.Just type and wuhhhuu I make a widget with my own :D
Ok,I think that's all.I can imagine that you're really tired and lazy read my long essay just about me xD Thanks ya c':
Love,∞ Dirah ∞
Thanks again x.x
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