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Design by Dirah .
Helped by Tiqah , Wana , Qistina , Afiqah Colour codes.
Used by Me
Border Cbox
Saturday, 2 November 2013 | 01:05 | 4000 comments

Annyeong.Dirah kembali dengan tutorial ttg *tajuk*.Boleh re-post cume bagitau dirah.Tuto ini direquest oleh Sis Iqa.

Macam mne dirah pnye border cbox smpai ade org request n tnye nie?Macam niw lh dirah pnye border cbox

Cm tu lh brder nye :).K,ne nnye snng sgt !Tpi ini ONLY FOR CBOX THAT USED ON THIS WEBSITE >>THIS WEBSITE<< . Kalau tak tau nak register cbox nie meh gi  >>SINI<<

Dah tau ? Dah ade ? Ikut je step bawah nie :

1.Cari kod cbox korang
2.Kan ade die tulis  " border:Kod warna border cbox korang 1px solid " , tukar yang 1px solid (border:Kod warna border cbox korang 1px solid)

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